In our case, it’s the name of our newsletter, an outreach of Paper Airplane Publishing.
Literarian means one who indulges in literature. We think we may have made up that word, and we like it.
Volant, on the other hand, is a word that’s been around for centuries.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary says it means:
1 : having the wings extended as if in flight – used of a heraldic bird
2 : flying or capable of flying
3 : quick, nimble
Or, if you Google it, this is what you’ll see:
adjective: volant
- (of an animal) able to fly or glide, as in, “newly volant young”
- relating to or characterized by flight, as in, “volant ways of life”
- represented as flying, as in, “a falcon volant”
- moving rapidly or lightly, as in, “her sails caught a volant wind”
along with the origin of the word, “mid-16th century (as a military term in the sense ‘capable of rapid movement’): from French, literally ‘flying’, present participle of voler, from Latin volare ‘to fly’”

(Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages.)
So, here we are, a couple of pilots who are authors and publishers, both of Scots-Irish-English heritage. What better title to cover all that than Volant Literarian?
Sign up here to start receiving the Volant Literarian, and check out our website for details on books and how to submit your own short story.